【英語版】Tobii Pro ラボの最新情報
Katrina Connell, Ph.D.,
Research Scientist, Tobii
With over 11 years of experience, Katrina specializes in behavioral and attention-based experimental research. Her expertise lies in designing, executing, and analyzing psycholinguistics eye tracking experiments, with a focus on methodologies such as visual world eye tracking, eye tracking while reading, pupillometry, and preferential looking. In addition, she has dedicated 5+ years to teaching eye tracking research to researchers of all levels, imparting valuable skills and insights.
Advanced Screen Project -複雑な実験をより柔軟にデザイン
Advanced Screen Projectは、行動研究のためのスクリーンベースの視線追跡調査の設計を簡素化し、研究者が簡単に複雑な実験を作成し制御することを可能にします。
【英語版】Tobii Pro ラボのご紹介
このウェビナーでは、スクリーンを使った選択的注意のパラダイムであるエリクソン・フランカー課題を使い、最近リリースされたTobii Pro ラボの機能の一部を紹介しています。
What's new in Tobii Pro Lab?
Would you like to learn more about Tobii Pro Lab to kickstart your eye tracking study? Are you considering switching from Tobii Pro Studio to Tobii Pro Lab? Or, would you simply like to learn more about the latest features added to Tobii Pro Lab? Then this webinar is for you!