Women looking at Tobii Pro Spectrum


Tobii user workshop at Leiden University

Utilizing eye tracking in psychological studies

  • March 23, 2023
  • Leiden University, Living Lab 1B01, Wassenaarseweg 52 in Leiden

Event details

  • March 23, 2023

  • Leiden University, Living Lab 1B01, Wassenaarseweg 52 in Leiden


  • English

  • Time


  • First floor of the Pieter de la Court building, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Free

Save your spot today as space is limited for the onsite event.

By understanding attention, researchers expand their knowledge of a whole range of human behaviors. Eye tracking unlocks hidden insights about visual attention, cognitive processes, and reactions by capturing and measuring minute eye movements and gestures. Whether used for psychology, neurology, or human-computer interaction, eye tracking enables a firmer grasp on what it means to be human.

Event details

Alongside Leiden University, Tobii is organizing a learning event, including a hands-on workshop where you’ll find out how eye tracking can be used to take your research further.

During the day, we’ll have inspiring presentations by researchers from Leiden University, focusing on psychological studies on various subjects, from infants to great apes. In the afternoon, you’ll have the chance to attend a workshop hosted by an eye tracking expert, focusing on data analysis in our software, Tobii Pro Lab. The Tobii Pro Lab product manager, Carsten Gondorf, will also join virtually to answer your specific questions.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

The presentations

From dangerous painters to safe cars

Speaker: Francesco Walker

I have always been interested in ways of applying scientific methods to real-life problems while maintaining ecological validity. So far, this has taken me in two directions. The two subject areas I study appear to be very different. However, they share a common theme: user experience and how to measure it. At the start of my career, I studied how children and adults perceive art in a museum setting. The goal of The Van Gogh Museum Eye-tracking Project was to determine the role of top-down and bottom-up attentional processes in the first stages of participants’ aesthetic experience. I applied similar techniques during my PhD, investigating a completely different world: self-driving cars. This is an area where the primary focus has been on technology rather than on addressing Human Factors challenges. I will share results on drivers’ trust and pedestrians’ gaze behaviour. Lastly, I will present a new exciting collaboration with the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, through which we aim at bringing children closer to the museum world. Art perception and automated vehicles are topics that interest me not only on a professional, but also on a more personal level. In my talk I will bring together findings from these two – seemingly – distant worlds.

The role of visual attention on public managers’ problem-definition and solution-generating search: An eye-tracking experiment

Speakers: Joris van der Voet and Amandine Lerusse

In the wake of developments such as evidence-based policy-making, performance management, and big data, public sector decision-makers possess historically unrivalled information on societal problems, their origins, and potential solutions. Paradoxically, this abundance of information leads to an ever-increasing scarcity of attention, as the available information greatly exceeds decision-makers’ information-processing capacities. Attention is the sine qua non of decision-making: What is attended to can be addressed in policy responses; what is overlooked or goes unnoticed cannot. Building on this observation, this study examines how public managers process information, via their visual attention, about problems (problem-definition search) and solutions (solution-generating search).

Action anticipation based on mental state attribution in toddlers and adults

Speakers: Szilvia Biro, Giulia Vigna and Heleen Lange

This study investigates spontaneous Theory of Mind (ToM) in toddlers. ToM is the capacity to attribute subjective mental states (e.g., beliefs, intentions, or knowledge) to ourselves and others. Anticipatory looking (AL) studies have shown that ToM is already present in children around the age of two. However, a growing body of research failed to replicate this finding, challenging the methodological suitability of AL. Therefore, multiple research-labs around the world (ManyBabies 2) are now collaboratively investigating (1) the robustness of spontaneous ToM measures, and (2) whether toddlers and adults take an agent’s epistemic status (knowledge vs. ignorance) into account in their spontaneous goal-based action anticipation. Additionally, Leiden BabyLab is focusing on methodological questions regarding anticipatory looking measures in toddlers (N = 16) and adults (N = 16), as assessed with the Tobii eye-tracker (e.g., timeframe, size of area of interest, and fixation filters).

Attentional bias towards flanged males in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)

Speaker: Tom S. Roth

Using the Tobii Pro Spectrum ape module, he showed that orangutans pay more attention to flanged, compared to unflanged individuals. This helps corroborate longstanding suspicions that flanges, together with throat sacs and greater body size, are visual displays that may drive mate preference. During his presentation, Tom will also talk about some of the challenges working with nonhuman primates.

Capturing how experts teach visual problem solving

Speaker: Christine van Nooijen

Plenty of eye-tracking research has highlighted the differences in gaze behaviour of experts and novices, in domains from air traffic control to medical diagnosis. However, little is known about how this visual expertise is taught to novice learners. During this talk, Christine will share how wearable eye-tracking can help us understand how experts teach novices, and describe her ongoing data collection using this design.

How infants use their parent’s nonverbal behavior to anticipate turns in conversation

Speaker: Niilo Valtakari

Before children learn to speak, they already follow turns in conversation. Previous research has mainly employed prerecorded conversations between strangers. However, the conversations infants observe on a daily basis typically involve their parent(s) in some way. We investigated what visual information in the nonverbal behavior of the parent might influence infants’ abilities to predict and follow turns in a live conversation. 41 parent-infant (aged 6-18 months) dyads interacted in a live dual eye-tracking setup, with parents performing a staged conversation between two hand puppets under two conditions: (1) while always looking at the speaking puppet and (2) while always looking at their child. We find that infants follow turns in general, but that the magnitude is modulated by the parent's nonverbal behavior. Moreover, infants shift their gaze in response to a turn change earlier in time when parents look at the puppet that is about to speak. Finally, we observe that turn following and prediction gets better with age.


  • 09:00-09:15

    Welcome and introduction of Tobii

  • 09:15-09:45

    The role of visual attention on public managers’ problem-definition and solution generating search: An eye-tracking experiment

  • 09:45-10:15

    From dangerous painters to safe cars

  • 10:15-10:30

    Coffee break

  • 10:30-11:00

    Action anticipation based on mental state attribution in toddlers and adults

  • 11:00-11:30

    Attentional bias towards flanged males in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)

  • 11:30-12:00

    Capturing how experts teach visual problem solving

  • 12.00-13:00

    Lunch break

  • 13:00-13:30

    How infants use their parent’s nonverbal behavior to anticipate turns in conversation

  • 13:30-16:00

    Eye tracking workshop | Zsofia Pilz, Carsten Gondorf and Kirill Novikov

Event details

  • March 23, 2023

  • Leiden University, Living Lab 1B01, Wassenaarseweg 52 in Leiden


  • English

  • Time


  • First floor of the Pieter de la Court building, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Free


  • Francesco-Walker-Tobii event speaker

    Francesco Walker, PhD.

    Assistant Professor Institute of Cognitive Psychology, Leiden University

    Francesco Walker, born in Rome, Italy, has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Rome University, and a Research Master degree in cognitive psychology from VU Amsterdam. Francesco took his PhD at University of Twente (NL). During his thesis work, he investigated human interactions with self-driving cars, focusing on issues of trust. Francesco has always been interested in applying objective scientific methods to real-life problems, and in explaining his findings to a broad range of audiences. In 2021 he won a position as Assistant Professor at Leiden University (NL), where he continues to investigate critical Human Factors challenges for automated driving technology and to perform research in art perception and neuroaesthetics, a topic which has always interested him. He is currently collaborating with one of the largest museums in the Netherlands to study and improve the experience of children and adults visiting the museum.

  • Joris van der Voet - Tobii event speaker

    Joris van der Voet, PhD.

    Associate professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University

    Joris van der Voet is an Associate professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University. He studies how public managers bring about change to enhance effectiveness, adaptivity, and resilience of the public sector amidst a myriad of societal challenges, adverse performance, and declining financial resources. His research agenda informs public administration research and theory about managerial behavior in organizational change, cutback management, and innovation. His research agenda is also tightly coupled to prominent developments in public administration practice, including strategic reorientations to improve organizational performance, fiscal retrenchment following economic downturn, and large-scale governance decentralizations. Joris studies the behaviors of public managers that advance such reforms, mitigate negative effects, and make the intended benefits materialize in organizational practice

  • Amandine Lerusse - Tobii event speaker

    Amandine Lerusse, PhD.

    Assistant Professor Institute Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University

    Amandine Lerusse is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University. Her research examines, through experimental approaches, public officials’ (including politicians and public managers) decision-making behavior and preferences with regard to external service providers. Her research also focuses on public officials’ decision-making amidst negative performance.

  • Tobii event speaker

    Szilvia Biro, PhD.

    Assistant Professor Institute for Education and Child Studies and Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden University

    Szilvia Biro investigates how infants make sense of the complex social and physical world. She is doing research on the infants’ emerging ability to interpret others’ actions in terms of goals. In a large international collaboration, she investigates the origins of "Theory of mind”. Her current projects also explore how specialization in the infant brain develops for processing social information and she tries to uncover individual differences in neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying the evaluation of prosocial behaviors.

  • Giulia Vigna

    Giulia Vigna

    Master of Education, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University

    Giulia Vigna is a Research Master’s student in Education and Child Studies. She studied Primary Education (Teacher Training program) in Italy and she is now in the Netherlands to further investigate human development from a psychological and neuroscientific point of view.

  • Heleen Lange - Tobii event speaker

    Heleen de Lange

    Student Assistant at Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University

    Heleen de Lange is a Research Master’s student in Child and Education Studies with “Applied Neuroscience” as profile. She is mostly interested in research about children’s development in the social and (neuro)cognitive domain.

  • Tom S Roth Tobii event speaker

    Tom Roth, MSc.

    Lecturer Environmental Biology and Animal Behaviour and Cognition, Utrecht University

    Tom S. Roth is an expert in orangutan cognition, with a particular interest in mating and how it shapes cognition.

  • Tobii event speaker Niilo Valtakari

    Niilo Valtakari

    PhD. candidate, Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University

    Niilo is a PhD candidate currently finishing up his dissertation at Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University. The focus of his research is on gaze and other nonverbal behavior in parent-infant interaction, using novel methods such as dual eye tracking and appearance-based gaze estimation.

  • Tobii event speaker Christine van Nooijen

    Christine van Nooijen

    PhD. candidate, Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies at the Erasmus University

    Christine van Nooijen is a PhD candidate in educational psychology in the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Her research is centered on understanding and improving how experts teach visual problem-solving to novices in the social sciences. Methodologically, this involves capturing one-on-one learning interactions through dual eye-tracking, using wearable eye-tracking glasses.

  • Zsofia Pilz Tobii event speaker

    Zsofia Pilz

    Account Manager Medical and Scientific Research Segment, Tobii

    Graduated in Linguistic and Literary Computing from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Also studied at Pannon Egyetem in Hungary and Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Worked with Eye Tracking and EEG as a researcher at TU Darmstadt. Now working as an Account Manager for Medical and Scientific Research at Tobii. 

  • Tobii Pro Employee - Carsten Gondorf

    Carsten Gondorf

    Global Product Manager Software, Tobii

    Graduated in Psychology, Linguistics, and Philosophy from the University of Freiburg, Germany. Several research posts at renowned institutes, e.g., MPI CBS, Leipzig, Germany, international research clusters at the University of Bremen, and TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, on Cognitive Psychology and Spatial Cognition. In total, more than 12 years of experience in research, application, sales, and software development in eye tracking and behavioral research in general.

  • Tobii Pro Technical and Scientific Support Engineer

    Kirill Novikov

    Research Scientist, Tobii

    Research Scientist and member of the Multimodal Group at Tobii, where he supports researchers in their eye tracking journey by providing expert trainings and consultations on eye tracking methodology and analysis with a primary focus on Medical and Scientific research. He has a degree in Medical Physics with a specialization in Tomography and Radiologic imaging, with 11 years of experience in the Medical field. In total, over 15 years of experience in education, consultancy and engineering including several years of experience in eye tracking.

  • Event organizer - Tobii user meeting

    Iris Spruit

    Event organizer

    Iris Spruit is research technician at Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She supports Psychology and Child Studies researchers with experimental task building and the use of research equipment.

Register for the workshop

Fill out of the form below to sign up for the user workshop.