Person wearing Tobii Pro Glasses 3 while riding a horse

User meeting

Qualisys’ Animal Sciences User Group Event

Opportunities for Motion Capture in the Animal Sciences

  • October 25, 2023
  • Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst Campus, UK

Event details

  • October 25, 2023

  • Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst Campus, UK


  • English

  • Event period

    October 25-26, 2023

Event details

The registration is now open for Qualisys’ onsite UK Animal Sciences User Group Event around the theme "Opportunities for Motion Capture in the Animal Sciences".

Sign up today to explore keynote speakers in the fields of Equine and Canine biomechanics and network with your peers within the animal behavior research community on site.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see us demonstrate Tobii Pro Glasses 3 on the rider together with Qualisys’ motion capture technology on both the rider and the horse. The demonstration will elaborate on how gaze direction affects the body position of the rider, that in turn influences the horse’s movement.

Qualysis motion capture markers on a horse
Image credit: Qualysis / Utrecht University

Want to know more?

Find out more about the event and register to attend.

Event details

  • October 25, 2023

  • Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst Campus, UK


  • English

  • Event period

    October 25-26, 2023