Close up of a woman's eyes


Using eye tracking to reveal users' hidden challenges

Seeing blind spots

Resource Details

  • September 1, 2021

  • 46 min

  • English

  • Free

Webinar information

Dr. Tim Holmes presents examples of eye tracking studies, depicting users performing daily tasks; where they can pose a challenge if the instructions are not clear, or the necessary attention is not paid to them. The analysis obtained when conducting studies with eye tracking allows us to correct errors that would go unnoticed when using another tool.

Resource Details

  • September 1, 2021

  • 46 min

  • English

  • Free


  • Dr. Tim Holmes

    Dr. Tim Holmes

    Neuroscience Advisor, Turian Labs and Associate Researcher, Royal Holloway University of London

    Dr. Tim Holmes has a PhD. in Neuroscience, Neuroscience Advisor at Turian Labs, Associate Researcher at Royal Holloway University of London, as well as being a creator of eye tracking courses. In 2011, he co-founded Acuity Intelligence Ltd, which defined itself as a science-based research company, specializing in real-world applications of eye tracking, biometrics, and cognitive neuroscience. During his 7 years as Research Director, he led all analysis and development within the company, working with companies such as: P&G, Coca-Cola, Unilever, GSK, BAe Systems, Ralph Lauren, BskyB, Jaguar Land Rover, The Guardian, Premier Foods and Walt Disney Company.

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