In-home studies using eye tracking allow participants to behave naturally and data can easily be collected unmoderated and passively. This is then analyzed by our research team for valuable insights into what actually captures peoples’ attentionAli Farokhian Head of Service, Tobii Insight
Customer story
Assessing TV ad attention for Google
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TV advertising research for Facebook
Facebook IQ, the social network’s research division, wanted to get an accurate understanding of how people watch TV in their homes, and how frequently their attention was diverted to other devices, especially during commercial breaks.
Customer stories
Assessing TV advertising effectiveness with eye tracking
YanHaas is a Colombia-based market research firm that performs advanced studies for clients in South America. They used Tobii Pro eye tracking to better understand how consumers perceive and engage with clients’ assets, such as ads and other marketing material.
How you can predict advertising success
The challenge of online advertising is getting people to engage with your ad. Measure noticeability, engagement, and emotional impact with eye tracking.