2 female doctors reviewing X-rays
Solutions for


Across the healthcare sector, eye tracking is reshaping the way we approach disease assessment and treatment, medical training, and interaction with medical displays. With eye tracking technology and attention computing, we can drive innovation, bringing forth efficient and modern healthcare.

Innovative healthcare with eye tracking and attention computing

Screening and assessment

Eye movements can indicate various brain and eye conditions, such as traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s, and glaucoma. Eye tracking captures subtle changes in eye movements and helps identify conditions in their infancy, long before they fully manifest. The method is non-invasive, eliminating the subjectivity of observation and amplifying the accuracy of assessments. This means more efficient population-wide screening and improved disease management outcomes.

Digital screening assessment

Treatment and rehabilitation

We provide eye tracking solutions that pave the way for pioneering treatment and rehabilitation methods. Eye tracking allows for personalized, evidence-based interventions that serve individuals’ needs and progress. We have partnered with technological innovators to integrate eye tracking into powerful treatments. For example, our collaboration with NovaSight has enabled a quick and effective therapy for Lazy Eye in children using non-invasive glasses and their favorite Netflix shows!

Young girl recovering from eye surgery

Medical training and simulation

Eye tracking offers an improved visual evaluation method for training individuals and teams in dynamic healthcare settings. Gain insights about trainees’ visual attention and augment their skills by providing feedback on their focus and decision-making process. Incorporate eye tracking into simulation-based teaching techniques, supplementing conventional methods with invaluable attention computing data.

Doctors performing surgery

Medical displays

Attention computing technology can be seamlessly integrated into medical displays, optimizing performance and resource allocation in sync with attention. Safety takes precedence as information and procedures are only available when the user’s gaze is engaged, while features like dimming screens and auto logouts enhance security.

This intelligent technology can also:

  • Foster remote collaboration

  • Enable streamlined workflows

  • Reduce touchpoints

  • Simplify skills transfer

Woman working in a hospital

Assistive technology

By allowing a person to control a device with their eyes, attention computing-inspired assistive technology empowers the elderly and people with disabilities to communicate and control their environment with greater ease and independence. These devices generate speech, connect to the internet, allow home automation, and include applications for writing, drawing, and creating music.

Tobii Dynavox assistive technology

Watch the video to learn how eye tracking is used in healthcare

Watch the video to learn how eye tracking is used in healthcare

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